
    If you're anything like me, when you arrive at a theme park you usually follow this sequence:

  1. You run to the most exciting ride you see or have heard about
  2. You rush to get into the line so that you don't have to wait for yeeaarrs on end.
  3. Whilst there you make sure all your pockets are closed and your shoes are on tightly.
  4. You get closer to the front of the line whilst trying to keep your cool externally whilst inside yourself you question why on earth you are subjecting yourself to such torture, lol.
  5. You get on the ride and *WOOOOOOOOSHHHH.....* hold on for dear life!
  6. The ride ends and you wonder why you were so afraid in the first place because you discover that  you are still alive!!

  7.   You may not be like me but this exactly what I do all the time and feel abit silly afterwards. I thought of this recently because there was a slight mishap and my future was partially in jeopardy. When you are on this big ride you are scared because you have this free fall sensation but at the same time you know that you are strapped in securely. But what we see around us when we are in midair convinces us otherwise.
      Now lets change the ride into a certain situation that you may be facing at the moment, okay yes it may seem scary but deep down you do know, well you do now if you didn't before, that your God will not let you go and fly to goodness knows where are consequently die! Not my God anyway. He will never let you go. Why? Let's see... Because 'He cares for you' (1 Peter 5:7). So next time when you have this 'near death' sensation, don't panic, it's all under control.
