The Importance of Prayer - 1


I've posted about this before but it's very important when it comes to prayer. Why would you say something that you don't really mean to the Person that knows your innermost thoughts? Be sure that if you are not sincere you will not be answered. You can repeat a prayer that you memorised from your childhood one million times but it will have no effect whatsoever if it's not what you truly mean. Or you can say just one word and God will change the situation dramatically because you meant it with everything inside of you.
Whenever you open your mouth to pray make sure you mean what you say.

The Importance of Prayer

I know it's been a while but I have to share one of the most important lessons that I've learnt last week - the importance of prayer. It's a very powerful weapon, but like any other if you don't use it it will have no effect whatsoever and if you are not aware of how powerful it actually is then you will never truly see what it can do for you. So this week all the posts will be dedicated to the importance of prayer.

A Tune For Tuesday

Group 1 Crew- Lets Go

Andale, Andale
It's TobyMac with the Group 1 Crew
Andale, Andale
What you got b, what you got girl come on

I’ve heard life is like a box of sweet delights
But in reality every day is a fight
So we hold on to the promise
 Things happen for reasons
We may not understand it but faith keeps us believin’
And I know that we can make it
With faith in our hearts we can face it
Any mountain that comes our way we can move

There’s never a right time to get up and live life
You only got one try (andale, andale)
So take what you’ve been given and
Make time to turn someone’s day bright
And change how we live life (andale, andale)

The future’s what we make it so let’s go (to the beat ya'll)
So let’s go (to the beat ya'll)
So let’s go (one life, one world ya’ll)

The future’s what we make it so let’s go

We in a time when sun don’t shine in all places
Typically nose to the grind just to make it
Take the same old, see the same faces
Sayin’ it’s the hand we’ve been dealt so we take it
But if life’s what we make it
I’ma turn the world around, make the poor people famous
Make the B the new A list
Give your Facebook page a new facelift
And every status you post will compliment who you are
The whole world’s dark while you shine like a star
Then bring hatred to an end
And watch the honor of our generation come alive again

There’s never a right time to get up and live life
You only got one try (andale, andale)
So take what you’ve been given and
Make time to turn someone’s day bright
And change how we live life (andale, andale)

The future’s what we make it

It’s the right time to get up and live life
You only got one try (andale, andale)
So take what you’ve been given and
Make time to turn someone’s day bright
And change how we live life (andale, andale)

The future’s what we make it so let’s go

We got brighter days ahead
I know you got dreams, I believe in them
I know you got problems too, forget them
‘Cause life’s too short so let’s begin
Yep, see it’s all about you
You are the change the world needs to view
‘Cause when we change the world changes too
And it’s a small world after all
‘Cause I got something that’ll change the world
Moms to the dads, every boy and girl
All I wanna do is show ya how it could be
If ya open up and let your spirit free

So let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go
(TobyMac with Group 1 Crew)


Andale, Andale
Andale, Andale

Group 1 Crew, TobyMac eey TobyMac yeah

How Would You Like To Be Judged?

Just thought it may be useful to share what I have been thinking about recently...
How often do we hear the phrase 'Don't judge me!'?
Nobody likes to be judged purely based on the mistakes that they have or by just their physical appearance, but yet it is so easy, in fact too easy, for us to look at others and judge them by the same standards that we don’t want to be judged by. Is that fair? NO! If you don’t want to be judged by the way you look then stop looking for flaws in the appearance of others. I f you don’t want  your mistakes to be the only reason as to why people notice you then stop searching for the mistakes in others. Look at other people how you long to be looked at. Think of other people how you want to be thought of. Value people in the same way that you want to be valued.
‘Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgement.’ John 7:24

What's on your mind?

Why is it that people can be more sincere with a social networking site than they can be with God when in reality it’s only God that can help? I'm not saying that it’s wrong to post how you feel on Facebook; there is no problem with that because the status bar does ask what is on your mind. I'm just saying that it makes no sense expressing anything and everything that you truly feel on a website but not doing the same with God. When it’s time to pray you should tell Him how you really feel inside. I've noticed that when we go to a church service it’s ridiculously easy to go with the flow because it seems like the right way to do things. You hear people crying out, singing and praising God and it’s easy to do the same.  If you want to cry, why not cry? If you've had a bad day, why not say so? Let out what you hold inside. Imagine you have an appointment with a councillor and you’re in tears. He asks you what is wrong and you say ‘nothing’s wrong. Today has been such a great day!' The councillor can clearly see that you are not okay because he can see your tears, but he won’t be able to help you.  It’s the same with God; He can see all the pain that you hold inside and the burden that’s on your shoulders but what can He do if you don't open up? He wants to be the One that you can rely on and tell all your secrets to, just like you do with your best friend. He wants you to be sincere with Him. You don't need to be afraid, just think to yourself, would you rather just make a nice prayer and go home in the same way or be real, then ask for help, receive it and go home blessed?

A Tune For Tuesday

I picked this song because it reminds me of my testimony.

I've been thinking 'bout the way I see myself and I
Just can't understand why I say
All those hurtful things about myself, my insecurities
They don't seem to just go away
And it's hard for me to understand You loving me
Through every mistake that I make
I'm so glad that You will never leave, keep reminding me
How You see me every day that I wake

I'm so beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, uh, oh, uh, oh
I'm so beautiful, so natural, not typical
I'm so beautiful, there's nobody else made like me
I'm so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, that's me

Yes, you are, yes, you are, yes, you are
Yes, you are, yes, you are, yes, you are

I love the way You made my smile 'cause it fits my face
It's so wonderful, unbelievable
And every color in my eye is just the perfect shade
It's so incredible, indescribable
Now you may think I'm not a perfect size or overweight
But I'm huggable, oh, so, lovable
Let's put away our silly thoughts and fall in love with life
'Cause there's so many reasons for you to smile

I'm so beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, uh, oh, uh, oh
I'm so beautiful, so natural, not typical
I'm so beautiful, there's nobody else made like me
I'm so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, that's me
I'm so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, that's me

That's me, I like a girl who got some confidence
Uncommon but with common sense
Quick to help her mama with the groceries and condiments
Doesn't live fast and loves life and gives compliments
Someone who I can ask about life and knows what time it is
Never late to meet me even though I am
Give her some sorry excuse but she always understands
She can take me in some sports, basketball was her thang
But at night she throws some heels on and her love is still the same
Don't need a cover girl or Maybelline or maybe I lean
A 'lil closer to the side of viewing her as a queen
And overthrows my life with the sense of humor she brings
I'd give my life away to hear her sing, to hear her sing

I'm so beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, uh, oh, uh, oh
(I'm so beautiful)
I'm so beautiful, so natural, not typical
I'm so beautiful, there's nobody else made like me
I'm so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, that's me
I'm so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, that's me

I'm so beautiful
You're so beautiful
Woah, woah, ooh

This goes out to all my ladies out there
You're beautiful
So don't be afraid to be you
Let your hair down, put your smile on

You're beautiful, you're beautiful
Yeah, hmm

Why not just use the stairs?

If you lived at the top floor of a ten story flat and one day when you leave your house you find that the lift is not working what would you do? For many the only solution is to use the stairs, but for others I guess this is not so obvious. You may wonder why I say this but you will soon come to understand. Other than the stairs there is another way which is very quick but can prove to be quite dangerous and it's out of the window. You may read this and think I'm mad but its an option that many people resort to!
In life we face situations that require us to make choices. For example, we may be put in positions where we have to tell the truth and get in trouble or lie and get out the easy way. Times come when we have to either trust God or make things happen ourselves. I could give many examples but we can either do things in the wrong way or in the correct way and when we do things in the wrong way even when we know that we shouldn't thats us jumping out of the window. Okay we do get down quickly but there will be a consequence that could prove to be quite severe. Although 'taking the stairs' may take some effort and may cause some pain at least you get to the place where wanted to alive! So the next time you need to make that kind of choice and the easy way out looks appealing just take the stairs.